This makes a lot of sense.

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I love this article. I’m curious what your thoughts are on unionization as I see that as another way to address some of these issues.

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Excellent article, Maya. If we look at what business does instead of what it says, and we change our behaviors as customers, I'm optimistic that we can affect change.

Are people willing to work for a company that has not treated employees well? This requires employees to bravely share their experience (semi-anonymously or publicly), and that can come with retribution and economic impact that many cannot afford. There's also a dimension of privilege here, in how much a person can choose to tolerate in their job search and what they feel is acceptable in order to survive (a major challenge in our society as it's structured today).

Are employees safe and protected to affect ethical change within the current system? (This has been the most challenging to see and believe in today, as we witness many companies squeezing employee's ability to organize or affect change, arguably to the detriment of long-term profits).

To what degree are customers able to "speak the language" business understands by changing behaviors or brand sentiment in a way that affects profits (boycotts, purchasing behavior, etc.) using social media to change minds?

Interested where your next piece takes the conversation. Thank you for speaking up!

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